Shopping for Your Personal Style - Summer Edition

If I had a nickel for every time a woman has come to me and said that she no longer knows her own personal style, I wouldn’t be blogging. I would be lounging in the sun somewhere in the Mediterranean. But, I don’t so let me share some tips on how to hone your personal style for summer.

The first thing I need you to do is to enter this process with an open mind. Please don’t limit yourself by thinking that your body shape, size, etc. won’t allow you to find things. So many women feel lost when it comes to style because what worked when they were 20 doesn’t necessarily work at 40. Bodies change through babies, injury, and so much more. Sometimes a big life change, like a new career, can also cause women to suddenly feel overwhelmed and lost. (I used to wear sweats and work from home. Now I have to to into an office every day!) You will find items you love that suits this season of your life. However, if you won’t even try something on because you have negative thoughts, this process probably won’t work. Also, please know that when you begin you may feel silly at times. Anything that’s different may take an adjustment period.

Okay, now that we are open and trusting the journey, I want you to create a Pinterest board just for summer. (I find it easier to break my boards by season. I don’t need to get lost in a sea of coats in July.) Take your time and pin outfits, accessories, and celebrity fashions that speak to you. Take screenshots from social media and add those. Don't worry so much about silhouettes at this time. This is all about finding your vibe. Think of colors that you know work well and try to look for outfits like that. Don’t forget different needs like dressy, casual, layers, shoes, etc… Pin what you love!

Once you have your board created take stock of what you have designed. Do you notice an overall patterns? Are there lots of easy neutrals? Have you pinned lots of dresses? Are things edgy, romantic, or classic? Or, a mix of one or more?

Let me share my personal Summer Pinterest board with you:

When I sat down and looked at all that I have pinned, I noticed lots of elegant dresses. Some in neutrals and some with bold patterns. Also, I can see that I am really into classic button-downs and raffia accessories. So, I now know what I am gravitating toward. Once you can start to see the pattern, you can begin shopping.

Now begins the part of the journey which requires patience. Even bold shoppers like myself struggle at times. Don’t try to gain a whole new wardrobe in one day. Take your time. Try things on. Look in places you have never visited before. Use the power of the board!! You most likely won’t find exactly what you have pinned but look for pieces that feel similar in cut, color, etc. Take your stylish friend. Or, ask a stylist. (Hint, hint. I live for this.) If online shopping, go for places that have easy returns. Finally, the most important thing, don’t compare yourself to the model in that picture. She doesn’t even look like that.

(In case you are interested, here are some pics of what I have purchased this season. The Pinterest board keeps me on track. )

Style is something that we cultivate. Find what feels good and suits your life. You will feel so happy knowing that you have some outfits in your closet that you can reach for over and over again.

I hope this helps - even just a little!



My Best Shopping Secrets - Shhhhh!


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